Marien Hospital Herne - Verbundprojekte
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Marien Hospital Herne
St. Elisabeth Gruppe
Medizinische Klinik I - Allgemeine Innere, Nephrologie, Gastroenterologie, Pneumologie


Verbundprojekte mit führender Rolle bzw. Beteiligung der Centermitarbeiter:

e:Kid - Systems medicine approach to personalized immunosuppressive treatment at early stage after Kidney Transplantation (Charité/Humboldt-Universität/Fraunhofer Institut/Epiontis GmbH/MicroDiscovery GmbH) (

mTDM-immun: mobile therapeutic Drug Monitoring of immunosuppression (Charité/Fraunhofer Institut/MicroDiscovery)

The role of IL-17 in delayed graft function and alloimmunity in patients after kidney transplantation (Charité)

BIoDrIM: BIOmarker-Driven personalized Immunosuppression (EU-weite-multicenter Studie)

Active polyomavirus infection in renal allograft patients; multi-center study (deutschlandweit) Cellular Immune Monitoring by molecular-genetic analysis of T-cell receptor repertoire in kidney transplant patients (Charité/MPI)

Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of regulatory T cells in human and murine Lupus (Charité)

Protective Immunity in Ageing (Charité/Deutsches Rheumaforschungszentrum/Humboldt-Universität/Generic Assays GmbH/ Epiontis GmbH)

Development of new tools for diagnosing and monitoring infections, development of new procedures for cost-efficient diagnostics (Charité/ Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris/ Hadassah University Hospital, Israel/Epiontis GmbH)

Analysis of virus – immune system interaction (Charité/MPI/Humboldt-Universität)

Development of peptide-based immunoassay for prediction of post-transplant complications (Charité/ Humboldt-Universität/ Fraunhoffer Institut/ Medipan GmbH/BiosynthanGmbH/ PolyAnGmbH)

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